What pharmacological effects does pepper have?
Author:林州市三櫻椒食品有限公司 Click:2822次 Time:2019-06-30 14:07:29
The effect on digestive system
Capsicum tincture or capsaicin can be taken orally as a stomach-strengthening agent, which can promote appetite and improve digestion. Animal experiments (Basov gastric impotence dogs) have shown that chili water stimulates oral mucosa and reflexively enhances gastric motility. Condiments made from various peppers can increase salivary secretion and amylase activity after oral administration. Large doses of oral can produce gastritis, enteritis, diarrhea, vomiting and so on. It has been reported that capsicum has inhibitory and spasmolytic effects on isolated intestinal tract of animals.
Antibacterial and insecticidal effects
Capsaicin had significant inhibitory effects on Bacillus cereus and Bacillus subtilis, but had no effect on Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Its branches and leaves had no antimicrobial activity, but only slightly inhibited tuberculosis bacillus. 10% - 20% pepper decoction has the effect of killing bedbugs.
(3) Erythroidism
External use as a liniment has a soothing effect on the skin, makes the local blood vessels of the skin expand reflectively, and promotes the exuberance of local blood circulation. Tincture can be used for chilblain, but some people think that chili pepper can only strongly stimulate sensory nerve endings, causing warmth, but has little effect on blood vessels, and high concentration does not foam, so it can not be regarded as red agent.
The function of circulation system
Spicy substances (ginger, pepper, especially hot pepper) can stimulate the taste receptors of the human tongue. Reflexively, it causes the rise of blood pressure (especially diastolic pressure), and has no obvious effect on the pulse. Intravenous injection of capsaicin or capsaicin into anesthetized cats and dogs can cause transient hypotension, slow heartbeat and dyspnea, which are caused by stimulation of chemoreceptors or stretching receptors in the lungs and coronary arteries. It has a direct stimulating effect on isolated guinea pig atria and a contractive effect on the blood vessels of hind limbs of rats.
(5) Other functions
It has been reported abroad that three weeks after eating red pepper as condiment (unknown variety), free hydrocortisone in plasma and excretion in urine increased significantly, and fibrinolytic activity decreased. The water decoction of aboveground part has exciting effect on isolated rat uterus.